Resembling mice, not much is known about these small jumping rodents. Their habitat consists mostly of northern China and Mongolia and they usually come out only at night.

Also known as an anglerfish, this hairy hunter’s dorsal spine is topped with a fleshy lure that it moves back and forth through the water to mimic the behavior of a marine worm.

Inhabiting the jungles of Sri Lanka, this nocturnal creature has huge round eyes that allow it to hunt for insects at night. They are slowly going extinct, however, as they are killed for their supposed “magical properties” by natives and poachers alike.

Found in Madagascar the aye-aye is the world’s largest nocturnal primate. Often noted for it’s unique foraging techniques, it taps on trees until it finds larvae, gnaws a hole in the wood, and inserts its middle finger to pull them out.

This curious breed is known for its lack of hair and highly extroverted behavior. Care must be taken to ensure that they do not stay outdoors for too long because they are susceptible to both sunburn and hypothermia.
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