Animals take many shapes and forms and come in a great diversity of sizes. Some may think the biggest animal is the heaviest, others the longest, or the tallest. Whichever way you measure size there’s no denying that some animals are absolutely huge. Here is a selection of the biggest animals on earth.
(These animals are not in order of big size. According to the natural, animals are born with different size, this content just show about the type of animal which is far bigger than the other type of its genres. For example: Goliath Beetle is far bigger than other beetles, but not bigger than other general whales...)Blue Whale

The Blue whale is the largest animal of all time, reaching a weight of about 180 tonnes and a length of 30m. Their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant and their hearts as much as a car.
African Elephant

The largest living land animal is the African elephant which can weigh up to 6,350kg and a length of 10.6 m from trunk to tail with a shoulder height of 4.2m.
Brown Bear

The brown bear and polar bear are the largest living land carnivores having the weight of 1 ton and height of 3m.
Saltwater Crocodile

The largest living reptile is saltwater crocodile with a length of 5 m. The largest recorded crocodile had a weight of 1,900 kg and 6.3 m length.

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