Humans are currently on top of the world’s food chain, but we should not let our dominant status lull us into a false sense of security. It’s still a jungle out there and this has been so since time immemorial. Our genes still carry the genetic memory of fear of huge animals, probably left over from the times our ancestors were chased by sabre-toothed cats and wolves. On the other side many animals out there still carry the genetic memory of feasting on some of our unfortunate predecessors.
Let’s also not forget, most of the animals we see are either the ones on our plate or the ones we domesticate. Many animals out there still have the wild in them. So what are the top 10 animals that kill humans?
10. Bears

There are only eight species of bears in the world and all of them can kill humans. Forget the cuddly teddy bears you used to have as a child, real bears are huge hulks of muscle, teeth and claws. They can run fast and have surprised many campers because they can climb up trees fast too. Bears do not go out of their way to attack humans but will also not think twice about charging a human who trespasses on their territory or threatens their young. An average of five to 10 people a year are killed in encounters with bears.
9. Sharks

Around 75 people around the world are attacked by sharks each year. Of that number an average of five to 10 of these attacks are fatal. The species of shark held responsible for most attacks is the Great White Shark which ranges in habitat from the coastlines of South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, California to Alaska, the east coast and the gulf coast of the U.S.A., Hawaii, South America, the Mediterranean Sea, West Africa to Scandinavia, Japan and the eastern coastline of China and southern Russia. Coming in second in terms of attacks on humans is the tiger shark followed by the bull shark. Those seeking to protect sharks from overfishing by humans still insist the chances of people getting killed by a shark are overall still less than their chances of dying in a plane crash or getting hit by lightning.
8. Cape Buffalo

Cape buffalos are quite heavy, weighing in at 1.5 tons and, stand tall at 1.7 meters high and approximately 2.8 meters long. When these animals feel that they are in danger they attack head on, using their extremely sharp horns. Most animals will keep away, humans on the other hand are the only predator that the Cape Buffalo will come across. Statistically Cape buffalo are responsible for more human deaths in Africa than any other large animal.
7. Jellyfish

Every year millions of people swim in the sea, the domain of the jellyfish. Every year about a hundred or so people die from jellyfish stings. Currently the most dangerous species to humans is the box jellyfish of Australia, its tentacles have stingers that can pump venom into human skin, causing pain and discomfort at first. Fever and death usually follows. Unfortunately for humans poisonous jellyfish do not invade beaches all year round, they are seasonal creatures. However, when they are around and in large numbers local lifeguard services usually close off beaches.
6. Deer

While deer have antlers that can fatally gore a man, most deaths caused by deer are due to accidents on the highways. Deer that cross highways are often transfixed by vehicle headlights and freeze in place, this often leads to collisions along lonely stretches of highway in the U.S. and other parts of the world where there are deer. It is estimated 120 people are killed by deer every year.
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